
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Inspiration, The Challenge

I don't know why I'm starting a new blog, because I'm already terrible with the one (and a half) I already have. But here's how and why it's happened:

I have become newly obsessed with both Pinterest and a variety of baking/cooking blogs I've found on the internet. Therefore, I've been filling my recipes/sweets/cheesecakes/cupcakes boards up on Pinterest with all sorts of fantastic treats. While working on this yesterday, I had the inspiration to make a new cheesecake every week, in an attempt to try out many of the recipes I've pinned. Kind of sounds like Julie and Julia, right? Yeah, kind of does.

Except, here's the thing... I'd also like to drop about 15 pounds. Ha! Cheesecake and weight loss!

So, I've decided to amend my challenge a little bit. I still want to bake my cheesecakes, but between trying to eat better, working two jobs, settling into our home, and raising a two year old, there just isn't the opportunity to make a cheesecake a week. I'm just being realistic here. Therefore, I've decided, instead, to start "The Cheesecake Challenge," which works like this:

-I'm going to select 25 cheesecake recipes from my Pinterest. I will make these 25 recipes this year (hopefully, although I'm not holding myself to any hard and fast deadline--25 just seemed like a reasonable number).

-I will blog on the results of my 25 Cheesecake Challenge. I don't actually expect anyone to read or care about my cheesecaking experiences, but I'd like to keep track for myself--which is why I've made myself a separate blog for the baking fun.

-I may also make things other than cheesecake and catalog them in my blog, here, because I just love baking and sometimes I want something other than cheesecake.

-There are no promises on regularity. Life happens.

So we begin the challenge! In fact, I've already started, last night, after the inspiration. I picked the easiest one to start. More on that later, though.

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